We Bought a New Farm!

I planned to write consistent updated blog posts throughout the process of building Oriana Acres but then reality kicked in and I had zero time in the midst of actually growing a flower business. We chose to move at a quick rate with perhaps a little more hustle than is sustainable long term. We knew that the entire time but we had a goal and we weren’t taking our eyes off of it. That goal was to buy a farm further south and we did just that. We signed the paperwork yesterday on our new farm near Kamloops BC. For many reasons, business and personal, we made this leap. Once we saw the potential with our flowers, we knew we wanted to be in a bigger center with a longer growing season, having an additional 2-3 months. Personally, we love the outdoors and wanted to put roots down and raise our children in a culture centered around getting outdoors skiing and mountain biking. On top of the flower business, Landin has a “day job” and has hustled so hard to build a team province wide, providing high end technical expertise in the electrical world, meeting his goal of management and partnership. We pushed hard and we knew it, all the while trusting it was for something bigger. So as I sit here today writing this, we are one week away from moving into our new farm where we can grow our dreams even bigger (although at a more sustainable rate this time).

Our new farm is just fifteen minutes east of Kamloops with sweeping views of the Thompson River and neighboring wineries and farms. The property is south facing with full sunlight and nutrient rich riverbank soil. This year will be our transition year as we plant roses, peonies, shrubs, and more, while setting up my studio and workshop spaces. We will be running a small flower stand at the end of the driveway later in the season so we can start to get our flowers to our new community as soon as possible.

Although the past three years have been a hustle, we know the real work is just beginning and we are here for it, ready to jump in with two feet. Stay tuned by following us on Instagram @oriana.acres and by subscribing to our newsletter to be the first to receive monthly updates.
